Kansas Toy Dog Club
The Kansas Toy Dog Club is a Toy Breed
kennel club located throughout Kansas and was established in 1998.

Our members are dog owners from all walks of life, from weekend dog exhibitors and breeders to concerned and interested pet owners.
This page was last updated: April 10, 2022
General Meetings

Meetings are held on the SECOND SUNDAY of each month at 2:00pm.

Wichita Kennel Club: 3448 N. Emporia St.
Wichita, KS 67203 | Phone: 316-775-2184

The general public is welcome.
HomeOur MissionActivitiesDog ShowsLinksMembershipAdoptionMemorialsBreed of the MonthContact Us

9720 E. Central, Wichita KS | 316-542-3696 | Email Us
Welcome, Toy Dog Lovers!
Who We Are...

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